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Auto-Attendant Routes: Directory

Auto-Attendant Routes: Directory


This feature is limited release.
Ting Voice is only available to a select group of limited release participants. If you are not participating, this article does not apply!

Allows the caller to dial a user in the directory using text-to-speech. When the caller reaches this point, they will hear, "Dial by last name" or "Dial by first name." The caller will dial three or more characters of the user's name and press #. If there is more than one matching user, the caller will select a user from a list of options.

Dial by…

Choose if callers can dial the user by their last name or first name.

Screenshot of the "Dial by..." section of the Directory auto-attendant routes menu. Users can opt to allow callers to dial by either last name or first name.

Custom Audio

Optionally, upload custom audio prompts to provide callers with customized guidance. WAV files must be less than 5 MB. If a custom file is not used, the caller will hear the default prompts.

Screenshot of the Custom Audio screen. Users are able to upload .wav files under 5MB for Intro Prompt (optional) and Invalid Selection (optional).

Failure Routing

A failure route is required in case the caller is unable to reach the user they were looking for.

Screenshot of failure routing. Note that if the "*" key is pressed the caller will be guided through the Failure Route. The user will be prompted on this screen to enter a value for Timeout in seconds (options 1-999) and to enter a value for the maximum number of invalid selections (options 1-10).

Timeout (seconds)

Enter the number of seconds the call can be in the directory. (i.e., 1–999)

Max Invalid Selections

Enter the number of invalid selections the caller can try before the call is redirected to the failure route. (i.e., 1-10)

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