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Setting up Music on Hold

Setting up Music on Hold


This feature is limited release.
Ting Voice is only available to a select group of limited release participants. If you are not participating, this article does not apply!

On hold music and messaging is a proven marketing tool for any company. Silence, bad music, or playing the radio is a wasted opportunity to create a positive customer experience. With the right audio, callers are less likely to hang up, have a positive mood, and not churn.

Managing Music on Hold Settings

  1. Go to Settings > Music On Hold and select an option from the drop-down. Available options are:
    • None (Intermittent Beep): The caller will hear two short beeps every 15 seconds.
    • Standard Options: Choose one of three looped, copyright-free audio files.
    • Custom Audio: Upload any WAV, MP3, or OGG file under 15 MB.
  2. The new setting will be applied to the account immediately — no saving necessary.
Ting Voice's Music On Hold screen under Settings.

Uploading Custom Audio

Give your account a personal touch by uploading custom music for callers to listen to while on hold. Use any WAV, MP3, or OGG file under 15 MB that you have rights to.

To upload a custom audio file, do one of the following:

  1. Drag and drop the file from your computer to the upload area.
  2. Click the link in the upload area, select an audio file from your computer, and click Open.

Once uploaded, the file will be transcoded and optimized for use by the phone system, which will result in some degree of quality loss. To hear what it sounds like, click the play button on the right or call a phone number on your account and ask to be placed on hold.

Once the page is refreshed, the file will be renamed to hold_music.wav.

Ting Voice's Custom Audio screen for setting up music on hold showing the wav file uploaded as hold_music.wav.

Changing Custom Audio

Only one custom audio file can be uploaded to the account at a time. To change the current audio file, open the three dots menu on the right and select Delete & Upload New File, then drag and drop the new file to apply it to the account.

Between the time one file is deleted and another is applied, Music On Hold will be set to None (Intermittent Beep).

Ting Voice's Custom Audio screen for setting up music on hold showing the wav file uploaded as hold_music.wav. This image highlight's highlights the three dots menu icon that when clicked displays the Delete & Upload New File option.

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