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Auto-Attendant Routes Builder Overview

Auto-Attendant Routes Builder Overview


This feature is limited release.
Ting Voice is only available to a select group of limited release participants. If you are not participating, this article does not apply!

The auto-attendant builder is comprised of various routes that work together to route calls. As routes are added to the builder, they're arranged in neat rows and columns so you can see how they fit together. Routes can be easily found, moved around, and connected as the auto-attendant is built.

  • When you're done configuring a route, click Save, and it will be added to the builder canvas.
  • Routes that have an Add icon after it requires another route.
  • To edit a route, click on the primary card to open it on the right.

Route Builder Help Articles

Here's an example of a completed route:
Example of a route in the auto-attendant builder canvas.

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